When Do I Need to Enroll in Medicare?

Enrolling in Medicare is an important milestone. You typically enroll in Medicare for the first time when you turn 65, or if you are diagnosed with certain medical conditions. There are different ways to enroll in Medicare, and some key times during which you can enroll. Here is a quick breakdown of how and when you need to enroll in Medicare. Do I Enroll in Medicare When I Turn 65? The first time you enroll […]

How To Appeal a Denial of Coverage from a Medicare Advantage Plan

If you have a Medicare Advantage plan and were denied coverage for a health service or item, you may choose to appeal the decision with your plan’s provider. The appeal process requires documentation for why the service or item should be covered under your plan, and it can take some time to go through the the levels of approval. Here is a quick breakdown of how the process works to file an appeal for a […]

What is the Medicare Part D Donut Hole?

Not all donut holes are sweet. In Original Medicare Part D, there is a coverage gap known as the “Part D Donut Hole.” This coverage gap for pharmaceutical medications can result in higher drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries, as they get stuck between spending limits on Rx costs and their total out-of-pocket cost limits for a given year. How Does the Part D Donut Hole Work? For beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Part D, there is […]